How do you feel about men’s mental health?

  1. Needs to be talked about. Needs to be explored. Many men stifle their emotions and experiences to the point where we really do not know the full extent of their trauma.

  2. Of course I think it’s important and overlooked, but that’s about all the time of day I give it. I’m not a mental health professional, so it’s not my job to stress and fret over men’s mental health.

    Men should feel more free and encouraged to get therapy. Parents should teach their boys to deal with, express, and feel their emotions in a healthy way instead of bottling everything up, but since I’m not a parent, there’s not much I need to do with that information either.

  3. The fact people search “men’s mental health doesn’t matter” in the tiktok search box disgusts me

  4. I feel sad that for so many men toxic masculinity is still a thing and they don’t even see how many problems it’s causing.

    I thing that because mental health is connected with feelings and emotions it’s mainly women thing, so man are afraid of judgement and being laughed at. And then men don’t visit therapist or psychiatrist at all or when the problem is huge and hard to fix.

    I really respect all men who fights these stereotypes and are not afraid to work on their mental health.

  5. Men finding the strength to talk about, explore, and ultimately improve their mental health will happen when they understand they have spaces and the safety to do so. Women can help by listening and validating the men in their lives: their spouses/partners, sons, family, and friends. Men struggle with the same feelings we do, feelings of shame and inadequacy. We as women know those very well and speaking from experience, having someone tell me the saw me meant the world. Ensuring we show up and providing support, with respect to having the emotional latitude to do so, will help them and in turn help us as well. When our household is healthy, that extends beyond the threshold of our homes and to others.

  6. I think it’s just as important as women’s mental health and needs to be normalized.

  7. that they should do something about it themselves instead of crying about women not fixing it for them.

  8. I think it’s something that should be heavily considered giving that socially, in boyhood they are taught to endure and dismiss negative emotions, leaving so many issues to be unresolved. I think if men’s mental health were to be properly tended to, there would be less violent crimes committed by them. I also think that a change in treatment can be beneficial in their personal and intimate relationships.

    Their mental health matters just as much as ours, well anybody for that matter. And I think they should really do something about it instead of “sucking it up like a man should.” They’re hurting themselves.

  9. Could be better. Statistically, they’re getting up to a lot more violence than women.

  10. People’s mental health is their own business and they should take care of themselves. GO TO THERAPY, MEN. I AM NOT GOING TO MAKE YOU DO IT.

  11. It’s getting worse. Instead of being educated on how to have better lives and relationships and how to understand themselves and women around them. They are taught to behave in ways detrimental to themselves and those around them. Then they are crucified for it. They don’t know what to do anymore.

  12. I put very little thought into other people’s mental health, regardless of sex or gender.

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