Like pregnancy pictures that always show half-naked bodies. Like honestly, you don’t think your wife is trying to get attention from other guys? Let’s be real here.

  1. Personally, it doesn’t bother me. If she did, the last thought would be that it’s for getting guys attention. Pregnant women tend to track every minute detail of the process and posting pics as updates in a shared community is totally understandable.

  2. You think pregnancy photos are for attention from other men? That feels a bit insane to me. Don’t you think it’s possible that they are celebrating what their body is doing? She’s creating life. If these “half naked” photos are helping her celebrate all the massive changes in her body, it isn’t about you or any other man. Not everything women do is for attention from men

  3. Pregnancy pics? Nah that’s kinda harmless… if the wife posts regular thirst traps and her belly pics, then I’d see it as a problem but most of the time it’s innocent (in my opinion) as long as the boobs are covered tho, let’s be real…

  4. >you don’t think your wife is trying to get attention from other guys

    I don’t think a woman wanting attention of other males would be posting pics of her pregnancy.
    So i don’t think that’s the case here.

    Rest, how open and comfortable you both are on social media is for you both to sort out between you two.

  5. Has a husband, I wouldn’t mind it. If my wife feels sexy and confident enough to post a picture that makes HER feel good about herself…ALL THE POWER TO HER!

    Confidence is extremely sexy. And especially pregnant. She’s feeling even more sexy now. Compliment her and tell her to keep it up!

  6. She is giving away what the partner deems valuable for external validation. You have to decide what you can live with it I guess, true she has her own agency. But you also have to psychologically deal with those actions. Noted one poster said “it brings small dick energy.” How can something given so freely have any value? I guess everybody has to decide for themselves whether having a thousand admirers a million miles across the Earth or one person who truly knows who you are and loves you for what they find. I would say each partner has to respect the others boundaries. If not you’re in a hostage situation not a relationship.

  7. I myself sometimes posted my sexy and attractive photos, after which I received a lot of attention from the guys. My ex didn’t care because we broke up. It seems to me that if a girl loves her boyfriend, she will not share her body in a photo with other guys. well everyone has their own opinion

  8. You sound like a bitter woman. Why do you have to put other women down by shaming them for posting? If they feel confident and their husbands or lack there of, don’t mind, why do you?

    You’re fishing for confirmation that your crappy behavior isn’t just you. Let’s be “real”.

  9. Women don’t post things for men. If she feels confident and beautiful, she’s posting it for herself. Let her shine! I really think this is a “you” problem if you think her posting a photo of herself is to attract other guys when she is married and having your child.

  10. Not a husband but have been pregnant twice. There so many moments your wife will hate her body, let her enjoy without judgment. I know you’re feeling the need to protect her, but she’s not seeking attention from men. She’s seeking support and recognition for the miracle she is making at the cost of herself.

  11. Your perspective, or views of “half naked body” is the issue when comparing it to others causing insecurity in yourself.

    I find value, in value. if my wife highly desired, my wife stays with me as her choice. I find that highly valuable.

    If 0 people wanted my wife, I still find my wife lf value when she chooses me too.

    Firstly, pregnancy pics are adorably cute and emotional. I get 0 sexual satisfaction from that.

    Maybe you’re projecting your views of sexualizing nudity

    Two people can hold separate and different perspectives.
    A person can view a half naked woman as way of her wanting attention, or being slutty and needs to be covered up to protect her virtues and values for only her husband.

    Another person can view a half naked woman as way to empower herself and other women as way to demonstrate her confidence, poise, and allure. Covering her would be shaming, suppression and hiding her natural beauty and feminine beauty.

    Which is right? Both are. It’s what the couple agree to mutually compromised values in what is important. It sounds like you may not be comfortable with that. Maybe you should try to explore that more with your partner, with deep thought, open communication, authentic compromise and if all else fails…. relationship therapy to have more guided solutions.

  12. Yes, it’s definitely for male attention. That’s absolutely a dealbreaker for me right there! Stand your ground and don’t give in to all the B.S and gaslighting

  13. My wife doesn’t post pictures like that but she’s constantly getting attention from other men because she has a very attractive body shape. She typically wears more form-fitting clothes so it’s not exactly difficult to see her… assets. I don’t think she dresses that way specifically to get attention from men. She likes the way she looks in the clothes independent of the response she gets from other men. Really she likes it despite that attention. I’m confident that I do enough to keep her with me so I don’t really care about her getting attention from other guys.

  14. I don’t feel comfortable with it pregnant or not. It feels inappropriate to me and I like that we save ourselves for each other.

    Luckily, we both have the same view on this.

    But seems this is the less popular view here

  15. My husband wouldn’t appreciate it. I don’t use social media though so I’d really be going out of my way to do it lol

  16. Do you think that pregnancy pictures are inherently sexual? That would say more about you than the people posting them.

  17. With all due respect, it seems you have brought your own issues to reddit and attempted to paint the exact picture you need to get the reaction you wish.

    Pregnancy photos could be sexual but usually aren’t. Using the title you used and wording you used seems downright misleading. Perhaps you could get to a sub to show the photos in some way or similar ones in order to ask. However, I have a strong feeling that won’t rile up a half dozen controlling men to simply agree with you so that you can feel justified in attacking your wife’s actions.

  18. How insecure does one have to feel in order to believe women are sharing pregnancy photos to be sexy? Pregnancy is a journey and most women might only experience it once or a few times, and women’s bodies go through so many changes to create life, it’s a beautiful and empowering thing. Let women share that journey however they want to. Both of my pregnancies made me feel so confident and beautiful, and I wanted to share my journey with family and friends who lived out of state.
    Trust me, when I shared a photo of me in a bra and underwear while 30+ weeks pregnant with my twins, it was not done in a way to be sexy. Everyone who has seen those photos usually say “holy dang!!!” in a shocking way because my belly was huge and uncomfortable while carrying two babies and I was really proud that my body was able to do that. It changed my body forever, and I’m still proud of my body, the loose skin and all. Let me show off and love what my body is capable of doing.

  19. My wife is smoking hot and definitely the neighborhood milf. She can post what she wants . If I felt attacked or jealous maybe I’m the problem. Its her body if she wants to walk outside naked I don’t care.

  20. Wife, not a husband but… Omg no. I’m pregnant and just posted a bump picture on social yesterday and my first thought when I checked out the Likes was “Oh wow, guys are liking this too?” Guarantee your assumption is likely not the case.

  21. I love showing of my wife. She is sexy as hell. I also encourage her to go out with her girlfriends whenever she wants. I’m her partner and husband not warden.

  22. No one would think twice about a guy posting a picture “half naked,” but if a woman does it it’s suddenly to get attention from other guys. Even if the picture isn’t inherently sexual. 🙄

  23. I was on board with you until you brought up the pregnancy photos. Pregnancy photos are 100% not to get attention from other dudes. Sounds like you just have a prego fetish.

  24. It seems you view women as sexual objects and not people living their lives in a way that makes them comfortable.

    If you were attracted to men and women would you expect this same level of prudish bullshit of both?

  25. Any pic put up is for attention especially the more skin showing. Maybe not thinking ‘ooo I want ment to droll over me’ but to still get the likes and comments from whoever

  26. I wouldn’t want my wife to post any nude photos of herself online Im pretty sure she doesn’t want me to either but I’m not married but have been twice

  27. Unless her social media is filled with men who have a pregnancy fetish…. I don’t think there’s anything wrong here

  28. Maybe she wants appreciation, or to v’celebrate with other women. Pregnancy is very polarising as in some men find it a turn on (you are thinking of them) and for others it creates a distance and automatic stop. However your perception is important. Sounds like you might want to express that, admit it makes you jealous/uncomfortable (not in an angry way) it’s ok to be vulnerable. Be curious about what she is looking for by posting. You might be surprised. I really don’t think pregnancy is the moment a woman of looking for male looks. Her gaze is turned inwards to the baby. It’s kind of cool that she’s proud of her pregnant body when so many women go « oh, im fat »

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