I went to Cologne Cathedral for a school trip and remember not getting very far lol. If I was to climb say Covent Garden steps regularly would that be good practice?

  1. Just do step-ups at home, save yourself the hassle of going to the tube station!

    That way you can push yourself a continuous 30 minutes or so of step-ups, instead of walking up and then back down the real stairs.

  2. Are you sure you didn’t get bored as a kid? I was up there a few years ago and there were loads of older people who had managed to tackle the stairs.

    I think if you go through Covent Garden on the regs, then those stairs would be great for fitness if you did it regularly

  3. I’ve no idea as you haven’t told us how many either of these have. But what I would say, is the more you do this, the more wear and tear you will be putting on your knees

  4. I did it in my mid 50s. It’s a bit of a pain but take it easy and it’s okay. The view makes it worthwhile.

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