I belong to a big friend group of 7 people( 12 sometimes too). Everytime we meet up I don’t say much, I just kinda blend in the background. Not that I mind that much, I used take part in convos when I have something to add.
With those friends we don’t meet up at all one on one, except with only person from there. We usually meet up to talk and walk, or go to a cafe or whatever. Problem is, everytime I am with that friend I become the listener and they become the talker. They start talking and they talk all the time. I don’t get to talk much about myself there, or stuff that I like.
Problem is, now I have no idea what the hell to do if I meet up with someone else, who asks about me or doesn’t talk all the time. I am afraid of the awkward silence that may come up, or not them finding me boring. I am afraid to meet up for other people cause I think I am not good enough like, who would wanna listen to me talk and blah blah. A few days ago someone asked me to go out and I accepted. I was so anxious all the time, that the above mentioned would happened. Went well in the end. But now he asked me to go out again and I am freaking out all over again.
Is there a way to fix this social anxiety/ general self esteem issue, or do I just gotta fake it until I make it?

  1. Conversation is skill. Pratice with prople you feel most comfortable with. Give yourself chsnces to pratice with less close people in a really safe way. Say plan for a 30 min coffee hangout then give yourself lots of downtime afterwards. Its ok to be quiet snd shy and I suslect your well loved by your friends. Try to be kind to yourself.

  2. The real point is that you are likeable, you can pratice conversations as you feel ready, and assime your friends like you I’m sure they do.

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