Hi Everyone!

About a year ago, I asked someone out for coffee and it was made very clear that they just wanted to be friends. Since then, we’ve come to be good friends, both in and out of work, and I’ve noticed that in the past month or so, there has been a drastic change in the mood/interactions between us that I can’t help to shake.

Things like, us talking a lot more about very personal experiences/beliefs, spending more 1-on-1 time together, me being invited over to her place when she doesn’t usually host. And also, things like being bopped on the nose as we were playing games, taking little fuzzballs out of my hair, etc. Last weekend I just wanted to check in with her over a call because of things happening in life, and after asking to chat she asked if I wanted to talk in person which also turned into dinner and a movie.

Having already asked her out before, I’m working under the assumption that we’re still just friends, really good friends by now, but how can I clarify if she’s since developed feelings or just trusts me quite a bit? Having spent more time together, I’ve realized I still have feelings but don’t want to ruin the friendship, or ask the wrong thing.


TLDR: How to ask friend of a year what we are without making things weird?

EDIT: Formatting & Grammar

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