What did you find out about how others perceive you that really surprised you?

  1. That they think of me at all. From day to day, it feels like even my family forget about me. If I didn’t live with other family members, I wonder if they’d even bother to try to see me.

  2. That I’m this mean and prickly guy, or just that I’m a threat in some way because of how I look. I mean I’m this 6ft muscle bound Dave Grohl looking metalhead/biker/musician/etc type, it can really go either way for me. It’s not as surprising when it comes to people who are insecure/depressed though.

  3. I was surprised to find out most of my peers and girlfriend’s family suspected I was autistic. My gf only told me when I mentioned doing an online test and getting quite a high score on the autism spectrum

  4. Everyone told this girl I was on meth because I have bad teeth.

    I don’t even smoke weed.

    Like the amount of people that reached out to this girl that I didn’t even know was shocking.

  5. That I was decisive.

    My brain moves a million miles an hour with ‘what ifs’ before I just say, i think x is the right thing to do’. Ill question that decision for a while, even try to poke holes in my own theory.

    Even if it is kinda wrong, Ill worry about fixing it later and know not to do the first thing again.

  6. How many of my coworkers would follow me to the gates of hell, and how many thought I was arrogant and dangerous.

  7. That I’m intimidating and can make people feel small.

    Considering I have pretty bad social anxiety that surprised me, and not is something I’m super conscious of.

  8. That I look like a person that is full of confidence. I really don’t see myself that sometimes, although sometimes I do.

  9. That I’m not genuine. I’ve always struggled with feeling like people don’t get what I mean but this sealed the deal. Sucks because it’s just my ability to communicate. I really do care.

  10. I had 4 people at my 10 year highschool reunion tell me I was the person they looked most forward to seeing. It was an incredible feeling after 8 years being alone and depressed. They all exchanged numbers with me and wanted to hang out.

    I reached out and they don’t actually want to hang out so Idk what to think anymore.

  11. People around me tend to think I was always mad or disgruntled or unapproachable. In reality I’m simply not very emotive have very neutral mannerisms and a resting face that looks “sour” so to say. I get people telling me to ‘smile’ or ‘be happy’ constantly.

    Found out after helping a co-worker and them explaining while we were chatting that I’m not how I look.

  12. Evidently I intimidate muscular men bigger than me by simply wearing a black sweater & letting my beard growth get alittle out of hand.

  13. People think I have pretty eyes. I do love my eyes, but I was honestly shocked to see that people could look over my flaws to see my one good feature.

  14. my buddy did a survey of a bunch of classmates, and the subject was “who would be the most likely to shoot up the school” i got voted the most. bro, i’m just shy. i (probably) ain’t plotting nothing like that. actually it depends on how much yall piss me off. they also said they wouldn’t be surprised to find out i smoke weed, so i give pothead shooter vibes lol.

  15. People thought I have my shit together. Literally, I’m fucking retarded. No, really. My focus and memory is so incomprehensibly poor I constantly find myself “waking up” throughout the day every couple minutes with no idea what or why I was doing or any idea of what to do next. My flash of consciousness on this planet is literally a loop of me asking myself “wtf am I doing?” on a two minute loop.

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