I’ve been friends with her for 5 years now and a few months ago we started hooking up with each other because we’ve always been attracted to each other. 2 months into hooking up she said she’s not ready for another relationship right now and that we can continue having sex but she doesn’t want to talk everyday like we were. I was fine with that and we’ve been doing that for a month now.

We hung out last week and i thought everything was fine but now the last 3 times i’ve reached out she’s not been very communicative and yesterday she just didn’t even respond to my text.

Normally i would just get the hint and move on if this was someone I just met but being that we’ve been friends for years im just confused. I want to text her again and be like “is everything alright” but also at the same time I feel like it’s up to her to respond and reach out. She usually always replies super quick to me and reaches out to me more than i reache out to her but this last week she hasn’t reached out once. Starting to think something is up.

What do you guys think I should do?

  1. Clear communication is needed here. Ask her what you want to ask her, because if something is going on it will not resolve on its own. Also keep in mind that the second you became FWB you basically threw away the friendship you previously had. There is no going back from that, whether you start dating or stop having sex. Just know that it will never be the same as before and be prepared to let her go if it comes to that.

  2. Life gets busy but I understand your worry. Personally I’d back off for a day or so but there’s no reason you can’t follow up in case she missed your message.

    When I’m busy I tend to forget my phone and then when I realise I’ve left someone hanging I feel bad and too guilty to reply. A friendly follow up really reassures me that they aren’t upset and impatient just concerned.

  3. There could be something up that has absolutely nothing to do with you two. So just take a step back and wait for her to reach out next time she wants the D.

  4. Fwb situations rarely last more than 2 months, 6 tops. Some people have years long fwbs but that is a unicorn. Vast majority wonr make it past 4 months

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