I’m 20 and have never really been in a relationship that was serious. The last one was in 2019 and it was high school drama basically, not sure how to frame that.

Now about 2 months back, i joined Hinge. It was just meaningless hookups and nothing much, until now (last week to be precise) it seems as if I’ve found the perfect woman! She knows all of my meme/pop culture references or any type of reference per se, she has the exact same music taste as me and we are just too similar i can’t even begin to emphasize that, i just can’t stop thinking about her. I just think she’s the one (i know I’m just a 20 y/o who sounds delusional)

We have planned our first proper date to be this coming Saturday, and idk where to take her, what to do etc. Any advice?

  1. after my dad died of cancer (i was 17), i was very lonely. my older brother had just left for school, my mom was totally checked out, and i was working at a pharmacy delivering meds to terminally ill people.

    i had nobody.

    i met my future wife one night in denny’s, and we got to talking and going out.

    she was the first person who ever told me that crying and showing my feelings made me strong, not weak. and she liked me more because of it.

    i can’t even tell you how many nights she spent just listening to me talk and cry and vent.


    not long after, i got a really bad strep infection. i was bedridden for almost 2 weeks. she took me to the doctor, and she came to the house every day after work to take care of me, because my mom sure wasn’t doing anything to help.

    she’d make sure i ate something, help me get to the bathroom, and she even gave me sponge baths. she’d stay all evening. she wouldn’t leave until i fell asleep.

    this was a woman who knew the meaning of care and commitment, even at 18. someone i knew i could count on when things got rough and scary.

    23 years of marriage this october, and she’s the same person today as she was then.

    zero regrets.

  2. I’ll just say that having ALL the same interests doesn’t matter. My wife and I don’t have all the same interests and I think that allows us to have our own free time away from each other. I’m not saying it’s bad to share so many interests either.

    20 years old is still really young and from my experience, you’ve still got a lot of growing and changing that you’ll do. I was more of an idiot than I’d like to admit into my mid-20s.

    A lot of times, when others see positive changes in your life thanks to their SO, it’s a good sign. My wife helped me better myself and didn’t give up when I made some bad decisions.

  3. I literally got down upon my knee and asked my “girlfriend” to marry me about 3 months into our relationship.

    She looked down into my eyes and laughed so hard that she almost cried.

    Coming up on 33 years of marriage and 35 years together, and she isn’t laughing quite so hard anymore.

    When you know, you know…

    lol 😉

  4. Common interests are only gets your foot in the door. You need to get to know her personality and her little habits more. Do the good times far outweigh the occassional bad? Do you basically on the same wave length for what you want out of the relationship? Do either of you have potential education or career paths that will make it difficult to commit?

    I dated more than a few women who I seemed to match up perfectly with on paper and initially I was thrilled with but it just didn’t work out once I got over the initial infatuation.

    So, enjoy getting to meet her, but don’t get too swept away too soon.

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