TL;DR: I am curious of how girls (the 20s generation) feel about men who are doing job that are dominated by women in the States.

In some countries, people quite accept it and even appreciate men to do those kind of job. But in the US, men are shaped in a gender that they need to be strong… they need to be masculinised… they can’t easily express emotion… While social workers and nurses (especially social workers) gave people an impression that those professions need to involve lots of emotions and be open-minded to accept the feelings from others, would those men be considered “less masculine”?

In a romantic relationship wide, do men who is doing those kinds of jobs less attractive than men who is doing other jobs?

  1. Well, I am not part of the 20s generation, but i do know that women in their 20s are not a monolith. There are vast numbers of them, and they have widely varying views and preferences. Some of them won’t care, some won’t like it, and some will prefer it. The point of relationships is to find someone you are compatible with, so if a man is in such a field, then he will be compatible with the people who either prefer it or don’t care either way. Personally, I think it’s good to filter out people who are more sexist anyway.

  2. I’m in that demographic and personally I think it’s ridiculous. A nurse has to be emotionally intelligent and caring but they also need to be incredibly strong emotionally and physically as well.

    I don’t see a man being a nurse as less “manly” it’s all just BS gender stereotypes.

  3. I don’t think most girls in their 20s care about that at all. Young people are usually more on the liberal side and only deeply conservative people will think being a nurse is less manly lol

  4. Ugh. It’s 2023. Do people really still think like this?

    Some of my best friends are guys who work in Early Childhood and Elementary Schools. They are fantastically intelligent, emotionally savvy beings. They are great partners. The profession is not known for high salaries, but these men create happy, loving, stable relationships because they have way more emotional and relationship tools than the average corporate bro.

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