As title states my boyfriend has said he’d like a threesome, it is a bucket list item…. he said this would need to be a ‘spiritual union’ adding this 3rd person and that this would happen if one of his or one of my friends were over and I said I wanted to add them to our partnership, he was very specific about the times in which this could happen and brought it up on multiple occasions.

To be clear- I don’t want to add anyone to our partnership. I let him know this and he’s dropped the subject but what makes me uncomfortable is the ‘spirtual union’ aspect… I mean I might be down if we were just enjoying carnal pleasures for a night. I don’t want to be bonded to another in our relationship, it sounds emotionally unsafe to me.

I also feel he was so oddly specific about when we may meet this person that now I feel uncomfortable having people over for a dinner party.

I want to get past this, but I feel like he’ll always be looking for this opportunity.

Should I let him go?

tl;dr: Boyfriend wants a threesome for ‘spiritual union’ and I don’t. Trying to decide if I should leave.

  1. This post is so lacking in information. But do you want to break up? It sounds like you do. If you want to, you are welcome to. Because the way you wrote it, it sounds like you are looking for approval to do what you want to do – and you don’t need anyone’s approval to end a relationship. We stay in relationships because we want to be in them. If you don’t want to be in it – then fine, break up.

  2. You’ve said no – you have set up this boundary. It might be worth asking him if having a threesome is that much more important than your relationship. If the answer is yes then you know he’s not for you.

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