TL;DR at the bottom

As the title mentions, my partner (24 F) confided in me (24M) that she is struggling a bit with our relationship. Predominately due to a mixture of my memory issues (developmental trauma + ADHD make my working memory and long term memory quite poor. I try to manage this via note taking on a regular basis and reminders set in my phone.) as well as my lack of expressiveness on my part. She was respectful in the way she conveyed this, and brought it up with the intention of working with me through how she was feeling so I’m not writing this post in the mindset of wondering about being treated poorly as I know that isn’t the case. We also concluded that I do in fact need therapy.

What I am wondering however, is how individuals or couples who are more stoic, inexpressive and unresponsive to tumultuous events handle their relationships in life? Did you find that going to therapy/utilizing brain exercises had an impact on your stoic nature? Or did it simply help you process your feelings and convey them with greater clarity? I’m admittedly worried that despite therapy, there won’t be much change in how emotive I am as I’ve always been reserved in nature.

We are both 24, have known each other for 8 years (on and off in contact) and we’ll have been together for 2 years this July if that has any relevance.

This is my first ever time posting on Reddit, so I apologize for any lack of etiquette or proper formatting.

TL;DR to those who are unintentionally stoic or inexpressive, how has this impacted your relationships with people? Did you find any impact made on your expressiveness after going to therapy?

1 comment
  1. So… Have you been screened for autism? Because that sounds like autism and adhd has a big overlap with that.
    I have this same problem sometimes (as an autistic person) and I can’t change it but I figured out ways around it. For example I have a code with my partner that if I give them a little squeeze it means I’m loving them. I give little gifts all the time. Maybe you can talk with your partner about how you translate your love into real world things instead of having to emote/verbalize.

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