The last time we saw each other was more than a month ago, because he was at his hometown. We kept in touch everyday through text, but last week has been a bit different. The texting frequency decreased, but the last times we texted it was fine, if not better than before. So, I am very confused

I know we need clearer communication, but I’d hate doing it through text. I am hesitant to ask to see him because we have only gone on four dates. But it extended through some time now(4 months). I don’t want it to go to waste; everything was going so well

Tl;dr: texting frequency decreased ever since he’s been back in town. Should I ask him out?

  1. You can float the idea of catching up, then see where the enthusiasm levels are from that?

  2. Maybe he’s busy?

    You’ve only been out four times in four months, and it’s been over a month since the last time. There is no momentum here.

    We don’t know how interested this guy is, don’t know if he’s dating somebody else, don’t know if he likes you, and don’t know what you discussed on your last four dates. Not much else to go on here…

    If you want to move forward, you’re going to need to ask him out. No schedule = No date.

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