Ladies…when you look in the mirror, how do you genuinely feel about the reflection staring back at you?

  1. I keep most of my mirrors at home covered when I’m not picking an outfit/doing makeup, because seeing myself does sometimes send me into a panic/anxiety/depression spiral that might take a few days to climb out of. Sooo.

  2. If I’m in a good mood I generally feel ok with my reflection. When I’m in a bad mental state (depression) I feel sad for the person in the reflection and will sometimes say out loud “you’ll be ok”

  3. Moderately good. I’m no model but so what? This artificial focus on youth and beauty is just created to exploit us. Sure, I have off moments but overall I don’t think about my looks much

  4. That depends on the day. Sometimes I find my face cute or find. If it’s a mirror that show the whole body, I despise it, I never liked my body.
    I had a facial surgery and before it, I never looked myself in the mirror, even while brushing my hair. I can now, because I really like what they did with my face. I’m not hot but at least i’m more “normal” than before.

  5. Great!

    If I haven’t exercised in a while I feel less confident but not bad in the slightest.

    This is saying a lot because even a year ago looking into mirrors caused my mood to spiral and would sometimes even make me too anxious to go outside

  6. Mortified. Current seeing a personal trainer twice a week to work off all the right I’ve put on in the last 3 years.

  7. Depends on my mood… When I’m happy, I feel okay with myself. I’m contented and don’t bother about what I look like and other things. I’m confident just being in my true self and I like the way I look. Not that so much beautiful like that other people’s standard about beauty. I guess I feel beautiful when I’m happy when I look at my reflection. I don’t want to compare my appearance to the other women because we have our unique look of beauty.

    But sometimes I feel insecure about myself, not just in physical appearance. Sometimes I think am I not that lovable? Is there any problem about my whole personality that it’s difficult for me to find a man who will genuinely love me the way I am with no conditions?

    However, I’m not going to change my appearance just for a man. I’ll just wait for the right time and right man who will love me just the way I am. If I have traits that’s damaging other people, I guess that’s the problem I need to solve. But I’m a nice person and shy as mentioned by my loved ones.

  8. I’ve got scoliosis so I hate seeing myself in the mirrors. But if it’s only my face, I do feel pretty sometimes.

  9. Depends on the day, but mostly sad. I don’t like what I see and even on “good” days i’ll think i’m okay.

  10. I look at my face in the bathroom mirror and I see myself starting to show age.
    And I think about how I didn’t think I’d make it this far and that although growing older has its challenges and downsides, not everyone even gets the chance to get old.

    I consider myself lucky to have lived long enough and laughed often enough for there to be creases by my eyes.

  11. Meh, could be better could be worse. But my partner says I’m hot, that’s all that matters to me 🙂

  12. It varies. Most of the time it’s hard to see past the asymmetry, various flaws, things I wish were different

  13. Not great. I have a bad relationship when it comes to food especially a few years back and constantly was looking in the mirror. I hardly ever do it now but that’s also because I’m currently not happy with my body again.

  14. I look much better in the mirror than I do in photos…overall I look much better animated than frozen in an image.

  15. Ive always hated my reflection but then realized cheap mirrors warp the fuck out of our reflection so INVEST INNA GOOD MIRROR FRIENDS

  16. Sometimes I don’t know,
    I have always been a very self assured person, but in the last 3 years I have put on 7/8 kilos, I am 61 kilos at the moment, and for my height I feel fine, but I see girls my age with no belly, completely slim without extra fat and I don’t know what to feel. But I usually feel hot.

  17. I’m not getting any younger, I have to enjoy a stress free life and stay away of negativity.

  18. Pretty okay. I have my moments of body dysmorphia, the gym girls will be able to relate, but generally i feel pretty good about myself. As long as said reflection is not happening in a bathroom with terrible lighting or a changing room.

  19. Generally not super great.. on some days I’ll be fine with my body, and I’m always proud of the booty, but if I catch my belly when it’s not sucked in or just at the wrong angle, my self esteem pretty much immediately plummets :/

  20. i’ve grown to really like her. she’s so warm and has been through so much, but is still smiling back at me after everything.

  21. Mostly confused.

    Because that fine as fuck woman in the mirror almost never shows up in my pictures

  22. I think I’m fat and unpretty. I know Bette Ethan to think that and I work hard on my self esteem, but those thoughts are always there.

  23. It really depends on what mood I’m in. If I’m feeling stressed or haven’t slept well, there’s a high chance I won’t like my reflection. If I’m feeling good, there’s a high chance I like my reflection. I usually look about the same – I don’t magically gain or lose 20 pounds between two different days, the only difference is what emotion is reflected on my face!

    The only other mitigating factor is usually what part of my cycle I’m in. Hormonal hair and breakouts are a thing I dislike, but I know those will pass.

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