About two months ago I got a tinder account. Within a few days I got my first few likes, a match, and a very pleasant date. She later changed her mind on the second date for reasons out of my control but she was clearly into me and I was into her.
This made me feel good about myself “I’m not a loser I just don’t put myself out there enough”.

I then went on about a 1 month break and just got it back up starting January. I’ve had 9 matches, seemingly good conversations, and planned two dates. The first date ghosted me the day before, and the second date hasn’t come around yet because she’s busy.
The other 6 matches? 3 of them never responded to my first message. 2 of them ghosted me mid conversation and I dropped the ball by accidentally ghosting the last one, I tried to respond again but it had already been a week and they moved on.

Currently I’ve been without a match for about a week and only gotten 1 like in that time. Kinda feeling like shit because a ghost ratio of >50% and no engagement on my profile is just demoralizing.

I have what I think is confidence, looks, and charm but experience tells me that these feelings are unfounded.

Do other guys only get a few matches a month?
Do I need to pay for tinder premiums?
What do I do when I can’t socialize in real life because I don’t have any connections to anyone. I’ve never been invited to a party or gone clubbing or gone to a bar. These just aren’t the sorta things my friends do and I’m too scared to go alone.

1 comment
  1. Dating apps can be really tough. Don’t take it as a true reflection, the lack of investment and effort that comes from dating apps is becoming higher and higher. If your profile isn’t of good quality, women will generally take a couple of seconds to look and carry on, especially since they’re inundated with options, or, they’ll match but just not necessarily be interested in getting into a conversation.

    What makes you scared to go out alone?

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