I have sexual fantasies but I realize I’ve never been horny. I imagine myself as a guy having sex with a girl or just having sex with a girl and masterbate but I realize I’ve never felt horny it doesn’t make any sense. I though ,maybe its because people only fell horny towards people they like or seeing someone beautiful or something but I don’t even if I do see someone beautiful and I’ve never liked someone. Apparently people feel it out of no where but I’ve never felt that itchy tangly feeling so how come i still have fantasies but don’t get horny. Sometimes my nipples get hard for no reason but I don’t feel anything in them and I dont feel anything when I touch them plus it goes away after like 20 seconds. Its not like I think its gross or anything so how come I dont feel it?

  1. Maybe because you are only 15 and your hormones have not kicked in yet. Come back in 2-3 years if nothing has changed because, right now, you are perfectly normal.

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