I want to see our sex while it’s happening but we both don’t want to record on our devices and we don’t have mirrors in the bedroom that would catch the action.

Any ideas on how I can see our sex time? I can tell by his face it looks good, I wanna see those Spider-Man moves he always talks about, I wanna see how my body moves, I wanna see him all over me not just feeling it. I just wanna👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

  1. You could get some camera glasses that he wears during sex and you can watch the video after.

  2. Don’t post a question and then include barriers to that same question.

    I’m not trying to be rude but the simple answer is recorded the two of you having sex or get a mirror. I guess you also could do a private live stream from your cell phone to a TV.

  3. Film yourselves and then watch it during another encounter?

    Have a friend film you if you have any friends that you are open like that with?

    Other than watching porn, there are just certain things that you won’t ever really be able to see which is why porn is popular lol. Good luck!

  4. Check out the second hand store for old tape based recording devices. Never going on the internet then.

  5. Buy some mirrors. Old school. No chance of anything recorded. And will work when the power is out.

  6. Get yourself a freestanding mirror. Call it the sex mirror, you can put it wherever the best angle for you is and stick it in the closet afterwards.

  7. Get an old school, non-wifi video camera and record it. The footage will stay on the SD card (or even the tape!). Don’t let the SD card or tape out of your sight.

    You can erase the media or even destroy it if you want to be extra extra careful.

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