F19 M19

My boyfriend and i just started dating and are long distance because we go to different colleges. He texted me saying how he’s not in the best place right now and wants some time alone cause i guess some bad things happened. I wanna ask what happened or at least tell him he could always come to me but like I don’t wanna intrude you know? He said he’d tell me when he gets better. He also said he doesn’t wanna call (we usually call everyday) me cause he’s afraid he’d accidentally lash out on me.What am i supposed to say to that 😭 I wanna be there for him but I don’t wanna seem like i’m trying to force a conversation since we have talked less already.

  1. You can be there for him by doing what he asks. If he has a good reason to be like that. I would just respect it and give him some space. You can check on him, but sometimes people just need space. My gf and I are going through the same thing.

  2. If he needs some time alone, leave him alone.

    How the fuck is this even a question? Jesus.

  3. I would give him time alone. Tell him he can contact you when he’s ready, but I wouldn’t wait around for him. If he is going to shut you out everytime things get rough, that’s no way to treat you.

  4. Respect his wish for some space and just let him know that you’re there for him to talk if he wants but don’t try to force.

  5. He’s found someone. This relationship is gonna end in a train wreck. Don’t know why people still attempt long distance relationships but I guess you’re gonna learn first hand of why they don’t work.

    You do realize a young guy full of testerone in a university opens up a lot of doors right? I’ve seen this time and time again.

  6. Welp, when genders are reversed, this typically means that the girl is conflicted and had other options to consider. Is your bf a major catch? Lol.

    Maybe that is what is happening here. Regardless of what is happening, your best move is to let it be. If you do not give him the space he asks for, you’ll be labeled as insecure. If you give him the space, either he will come back to you or he won’t, but your chances are better with inaction.

    He asked for space. Give it. If too much time has passed by your personal standards, you are now single and free to bonk whomever.

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