I (25F) recently started dating again, and a couple of guys I’ve started talking to and gone out with seem really nervous. Compulsively asking me questions and not letting any room for silence or for me to even eat, answering every question as to try not to say anything disagreeable that I may not like, asking me about their outfit and sending me photos and asking my opinions about how they look for reassurance, etc.

Is there anything that will help me put them at ease so they’re not feeling such immense pressure? I cannot handle awkwardness and I just want to avoid it at all costs.

  1. thats very strange behavior. i can see that people are generally not trying to be disagreeable on a first date but asking about their clothes is a bit weird. do you meet people on dating apps? they sound very insecure. you must be dating guys with not a lot of options.

  2. You should read the posts I’m reading. It’s not just men. Women too. Everyone has a lot of nervous energy. I’m not sure what to do about it. It helps thr first date is usually drinks. Liquid courage. I think calling attention to it just makes it worse. Just be relaxed yourself and they will ultimately loosen up

  3. I feel like you just ran into some weird guys.

    Being a weirdo myself its not impossible to run into.

    You have to decide if its a deal breaker to you or not. Dont have to date anyone you dont want to.

    Stay safe out there

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