What will always make you smile/laugh?

  1. A girl I’m really into sent me a message after we were hanging out one day that said, “you know, a girl could really fall for you”. And every time I think of that I smile like an idiot

  2. The scene from hellraiser 3 when pinhead imitates the crucifixion and says I am the way. Always makes me laugh, I might be an asshole for that one.

  3. My 11 year old little bro talking trash on video games when he wins and knows how to banter with the best of them.

    Some of the things he comes out with is straight up savage.

    So essentially. My little brother. The fact he says “I’m not cute. I’m tough” and gets offended when I call him cute makes me laugh.

    He just always makes me laugh.

  4. Laughing babies, chocolate, Crushing my enemies, seeing them driven before me and to hear the lamentations of their women!

  5. This one comment answering a question on what the best bodily pleasures, aside from sex, are. They said “shitting than wiping as hard as you can while blood drips out”. It was downvoted quite a lot, but it is hilarious.

  6. At friends’ jokes. Every time we are going to play mlbb on the bluestacks, every time it ends up in our hysterical fits of laughter. Every time.

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