Shocking tittle. Let me explain. We have been in a relationship for more than 6 years. We never had a single problem, he is very lovely, funny and good looking. He helped me in my worst years when I was SAd. We share the same group of friends (2 people) and 3 years ago a new friend was introduced to the group, let’s call him Michael(24M). I am autistic so making friends is not my thing but this dude and I clicked as we shared the same humor. Last year he invited me to get extremely drunk in the streets for no reason, and I had never drank before. I trusted him with my soul so I agreed. We got drunk and as it was late at night he told me to sleep together in a hotel. An adults type of hotel. Again I trusted him and I don’t remember anything else, I was so drunk that I don’t recall how I got home. Next day I told my boyfriend about it as a funny story and he did not take it well of course. I repeat that I am autistic so sometimes I don’t get why something is bad or right socially. My boyfriend is my first relationship ever too. He got quite mad and just stopped talking to me for weeks. I was devastated, crying, puking, having really bad breakdowns, and I told Michael about it, he came to my house and kept telling me to break up with him, and started hugging me when suddenly he kissed me. It was my mistake not to kick him in the ass that day. But I was so bad emotionally that I felt like a needed love. We kept going a couple days, kissing and hugging. One day he invited me to his house and he insisted to make love, i didn’t wanted to, but he touched me anyways and I told him that it was okey. A week or so later my boyfriend called me to tell me his father died, and her grandma was very ill. I stayed at his house for 3 days, we both cried and he forgave me because he knows I am autistic so he explained why going to a hotel with a friend was bad. And now I completely understand. And I said sorry to him, but now, after his father died i didn’t know how to tell him I cheated on him. Days later Michael kept sending me messages to meet again but I didn’t wanted to anymore and just ignored him. He got really mad at me and he went to my boyfriend’s work to tell him everything. My boyfriend was mad now. And I can understand that. Not only he told my boyfriend but to my other 2 best friends and they got mad at me too. I deserve it!. At the end, I told my boyfriend everything for my perspective and I found out that he lied about somethings. My boyfriend decided to forgive me again and I don’t know why but I’m so happy about it. Even tho he forgave me, everyone else hates me. I just want to know if I am an asshole? Because right know I feel kind of… Abused. I get disgusted and sad when something reminds me of Michael. And I hate him deeply. I am just trying to make myself look as a good person or was Michael shitty? Is it okey that my boyfriend forgave me? Thanks for reading. Sorry for my English I am learning.

  1. You feel abused because you were abused. Michael took advantage of you. Your bf recognizes this, and that’s why he’s able to forgive you.

  2. You should be hated. Autism isn’t an excuse for cheating. Like yeah you don’t get social cues, but to go drink with someone when you’ve never drank before? That’s just stupidity, not autism.

  3. I mean, you cheated, multiple times. It is what it is. The person you cheated with also happens to be a manipulative low-life shit.

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