For some context, I (M16) have a complicated social life. I’m not exactly popular, but a good amount of people know who I am. In regards to appearance, it seems that people either think I’m very attractive or one of the ugliest people alive. When she (F16) talked to me for the first time a couple of months ago, I was immediately interested. She’s pretty popular and it’s obvious that a lot of dudes are into her, but I didn’t care. I started talking to her regularly and it was going pretty well. I made the mistake of mentioning it to one of my friends who takes things too far. I still don’t know the full story. He says he was texting her and started “talking me up” for hours but he claims she just isn’t into me at all. I never saw any evidence of the conversation, but I know that he probably said something he shouldn’t have. From then on everything was awkward and we stopped talking for the most part. Anyways, the other night I went to a party and she happened to be there. It was a more formal party, so I actually put on a suit and all that fun stuff. I thought I was gonna get ignored, as this seemed to be the new norm, but she immediately came up to me and hugged me. We talked a little bit at the party and halfway through I saw her and her friend pointing and talking. When I noticed them her friend started waving and she started to freak out. At the end of the party as I was leaving she called me back and gave me another hug and said it was great to see me. I’m just confused now. It’s like all the awkwardness immediately went away. I’ll answer any extra questions in the comments.

TL;DR: I’m confused why this girl is acting differently all the sudden

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