I know it sounds whiney but I really need to go in tomorrow but I have such a severe cough. I work in wetherspoons so it’s going to be doubly stressful. I’ve been thinking all day that I’ve just never seen a bartender or a waiter cough ever. My parents told me to just “hold it in” which I can do here and there but not for every set of coughs. it’s not severe enough to get off sick (couldn’t do that if I wanted anyway cos I had to take a week off to go to a funeral in Hungary after 3 days on the job so I can hardly take more time off). But I am having at least 1 major coughing fit every 5 minutes with smaller coughing fits in-between. Runny nose comes and goes too but is never too bad. I don’t want to be coughing in peoples food or people’s pints. But I can’t afford to lose this job. Is there any way of just making the cough go away for a bit?

  1. Thats certainly not whiney.

    I suggest doing a covid test, wearing a mask and taking pastilles with you as well as a small bottle of honey and lemon if you can carry one to sip between customer interactions.

  2. I mean. You absolutely should not be working bar with a contagious illness. You _really_ shouldn’t.

    But this is the real world, so: jar of honey, shove a spoonful down your gob every hour or so, or when you feel the urge to cough. Got me through call centre shifts back in the day.

    edit: also yeah you’re not whiny, this is legit a bit of a shit situation to be in!

  3. Definitely wear a mask, the dry air will make you start having coughing fits so the mask will help. Drink lukewarm water (not cold) and make sure you don’t eat any snacks that are grainy as they get stuck in your throat and bring the fits on again! Bananas are a good option

  4. Stop by a pharmacy and pick up some Chloraseptic. It’s an anaesthetic spray for your throat, should sort you out for a while.

  5. If you’re in any pain/discomfort/sore throat then I recommend the antiseptic throat spray (ultra chloraseptic is the brand), should help ease it for short periods which might help coughing. I found the menthol flavour made me gag but the blackcurrant flavour was fine and I think there’s one or two other flavours as well. Obviously drinking plenty of water too and some throat pastels between the throat spray doses.

    I do find in general turning up but heading out early is way less frowned upon than not turning up at all. It also often somehow gets better for a couple of hours until you start to feel tired.

  6. – wear a mask

    – hand sanitiser in your pocket so if you cough in front of a customer you can quickly apply it

    – water next to you

    – cough lozenges

    – cold and flu tablets

    – hot shower before you go in, breathe in and out deeply through nose to get all the gunk out

  7. An antihistamine always helps with mine. Dunno if that’s because mine is a particular kind of cough or if antihistamines stop the tickly irritation in general but might be worth a try. Also tends to stop Post Nasal Drip which contributes to mine.

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