I have a coworker who’s very attractive in terms of physical appearance. While they seem like a nice person, it doesn’t feel like we would have anything in common, we have quite different personalities and overall I don’t think we’d be compatible (I admit that I have made those observations without talking to them much because I’m quite shy, so it’s mainly based on the way I see them interacting with other people). Despite all of this, I find myself attracted to this person, thinking about them a lot and getting really nervous when I’m next to them. I’ve noticed that whenever I think about them I usually just picture their physical appearance in my head, not thinking much about the actual person. I feel like it’s really unhealthy. How can I deal with those emotions? Ideally I would want to completely erase those feelings from my mind but unfortunately that’s impossible.

  1. Firstly, why do you want to remove the person from your head?

    Get along man, enjoy your life, all she would say is Hi or hello!
    Just start a conversation with her, if want to do something you should go ahead and start.

  2. Dont make assumptions about others. You know nothing about her. She might surprise you, you might get along. She might not. You won’t know unless you go talk to her and invest the time to get up know her. Without assumption

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