Every time my girlfriend (19F) and I(19F) have sex she bleeds. The first time it happened we chalked it up to her hymen breaking but it kept happening so now we are cocnerned. For clarification, we have penetrative sex. It doesn’t cause her any pain or discomfort but last time a lot of blood came out. We would appreciate any insight on what the cause might be and advice on how to fix it. Thank you.

  1. It could be multiple things, but I suggest your girlfriend goes and see a gynecologist and ask them this question instead of you asking reddit.

  2. A few possibilities: 1) Was she on her period or close to it? 2) It’s rare but did she tear? If she isn’t wet enough it can happen. 3) Are you pushing too hard on her cervix? That can happen also.

    It’s difficult to say what it could be without a gyno exam. I would have her go to the doctor.

  3. Make sure you are getting her aroused and use lube. Some poeple just don’t produce enough natural lube, and penetration is difficult if her body isn’t ready.

    I also strongly recommend her seeing the doctor, could be something as simple as an infection, but only a doctor would know.

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