Hi all,

I’ve been with my BF for a year and I love him dearly.

Communication has always been bad. In the past he wouldn’t respond to text messages and hates talking on the phone.

We have “rules” where I text him and ask if I can call. He agrees. Then I call and he doesn’t answer.

Or he says he will message me at a certain time, but he doesn’t.

I’ve asked, begged and plead for him to take initiative and call me. I’ve begged him to return my calls or tell me when he can talk.

I feel ignored, unappreciated, and honestly fucking depressed.

I feel like he deliberately will not answer his phone or text messages on purpose to get a reaction out of me. It’s honestly been terrible for my mental health when he continually declines my calls.

He says I am overly emotional but he’s not doing anything to help me.

Tl;Dr BF ignores my calls, says he’s overwhelmed

  1. Ok if he agrees it’s a good time to call and then doesn’t answer, he’s an asshole. Of COURSE this is bad for your mental health! You’re being treated like you are worthless to him! If he was a decent person he would at least say, can’t talk now….seriously this guy is insanely self absorbed and is only thinking of himself. You need to move on

  2. Why are you chasing after this guy so hard? He is being abusive. Time to dump him and don’t pick up his calls ever again.

  3. What exactly are you asking for advice on?

    You have a boyfriend who seemingly doesn’t want to communicate with you and whom you even suspect of ignoring you on purpose just because he gets a kick out of your reaction.

    You can either continue to be with that guy, the guy with whom you’ve always had poor communication, or you can recognise that you deserve better and move on to someone who actually wants to and enjoys engaging with you.

  4. He’s not overwhelmed, he’s being a manipulate, controlling jerk.

    Break up with him by never communicating with him again.

  5. So you’ve put up with his lack of interest in you for a whole year?

    You should have walked after a couple of months.

    He doesn’t care for you. He doesn’t care about you. He just doesn’t care enough to care.

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