I always choke up and give up on it. But I wanna do it, but I just suck. Too awkward. Help me for once reddit. No BS pls

  1. You begin with a neutral comment about something happening around both of you, like unusual weather or how cute her dog is. If she pauses and responds, you can extend the topic. The important thing is to judge how receptive and interested she is in talking to you. If she’s not really interested, by body language, say goodbye.

  2. What do you offer in the first 5 seconds a stranger meets you to say yes, other than your lack of confidence?

    Like do you intend to ask them out or for their number of just say “Hi my name is ___?”

    What’s the end goal?

  3. Try using an observational opening line based on your surroundings as this will show that you’re socially savvy and comfortable speaking to women. You tend to overthink it because you’re trying too hard to think of something to say that will impress her, instead of just being natural.

  4. If a girl is literally walking on the street or running errands, unless there is like a “meet cute” type thing like you both accidentally knocked into each other or reached for the same item… it’s not a great idea.

    Women get harassed on streets constantly, and while you may have the best intentions, we can’t know if you are the “nice and interesting” guy or the “ will stalk, get angry, or even attack for saying no/ ignoring, trying to walk away” guy.

    Look at the r/whenwomenrefuse subreddit to get an idea of how often women get assaulted or killed for rejecting men.

    The best way to meet women, besides dating apps, is through hobby groups, local coffee/bars that have the more hang out vibes or events like open mics. These are places where people are going to tend more towards socializing because there is common interests, there are enough people around to feel safe, and it’s just less pressure.

    When you randomly walk up to me on the street, it becomes a matter of “ok, what happens if I say no, are there enough people around for me to feel safe( bystander affect can still mean no one helps you). It’s just way more unsettling. Besides. Being on the street means, you know literally nothing about me besides how I look.

    Looks definitely matter in dating, but in situations like the hobbies, it’s not just looks prompting you to invade my space, it’s also because we are both enjoying the same space, we are both watching or doing the same thing so we have a basic icebreaker that is way less pressure.

  5. Look confused and ask where something is, like a store or a street. If you are lucky, you will get more than just the answer

  6. S.I.M.P.


    Scout the situation. Are they busy? Distracted? In a bad mood? Indicating they are indeed open to conversation.


    Introduce yourself. Quickly and efficiently.


    Make the move. Say what you want to say quickly and efficiently as well. Keep an eye on body language. Give them your card or number if they seem to be okay with you so far.


    Be Polite.

    (And )

    Peace the fuck out quickly. To not take up their precious time. Yes or no. No friction. No loitering. Get outta there.

  7. So I’ll give you the universal best way to start this. But first, here are a few things to know.

    1) You need to be very well presented. Doesn’t mean you need to be in a suit, but just very put together, hair, clothes, shoes, so you don’t scare her before you open you mouth.

    2) You have to look confident but not aggressive… its the fine line but lacking confident looks creepy, aggressive looks well aggressive and women fear (and probably should) aggressive men, especially strangers.

    Now for what to say, its direct and a great compliment for all situations:

    “Hi I’m Joe, I like how your eyes light up when you smile, I just wanted to introduce myself.”

    Now the last part is equally important. Whether she talks more, gives you her number, or says I’m busy and leaves… you must treat her with the most positive and respectfully way possible.

    “It was nice meeting you, have a wonderful day!” with enthusiasm and a smile. That way she will leave with a good impression. Even if she’s married or taken, she’s going to tell a friend at work what happened and feel good about herself, if you ended it positively.

    Best of luck!

  8. I tried to get a woman’s attention to let her know about a leaf in her hair and she screamed when she saw me.

    So… I think you just don’t.

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