This girl I work with was acting flirty with me after we talk for the first time. I asked her out but she said had a boyfriend at the time but was working on leaving him. She continued to flirt with me and ended up breaking up with him. However, she started dating some other guy from work all of a sudden and started avoiding me like the plague. I remained indifferent and didn’t pursue her after that. I actually started to avoid her once she was making it more obvious she was avoiding me. And this was literally a day after saying she had a crush on me. Anyways her and the other guy from work were dating for not even a year and they broke up. Recently she’s always looking and smiling at me and making eye contact. She even switched printers and started coming to mine which is really odd because there’s nothing wrong with the other one she always uses. I really don’t want anything ti do with her after what went down but it’s almost like she’s going out of her way now to get my attention when I’ve made it obvious I’m not interested anymore. She keeps coming to my work place printer and acts alm smiley to herself but doesn’t say a word to me. And I don’t even look at her and just continue to do my work. Maybe she likes me since I’ve played my cards right but most likely she wants attention. Should I just keep acting indifferent and aloof (ignore) until she leaves me alone, or ask if her there’s something wrong with her printer 😅

  1. I would just continue to ignore it if not interested. Long as she isn’t like doing anything untoward. I imagine she will get bored eventually or find some new BF

  2. Looks like your turn is up in the queue to date her. Continue to ignore her, eventually she will get the message and move on to the next guy in the queue.

  3. It’s easy. If your not interested then act in that way it would be apparent that there’s nothing going on in your mind about her. That situation would annoy me too. Hopefully she gets the drift around your disinterest but if you two are both in the park about it then it won’t go away so easy- judging by the fact that she’s walked a distance to use the printer near you. Anyway you could always get the ques of people around you as to why she’s actually there in your area. Maybe she genuinely needed a different printer 😁

  4. Hmm…I see this as :

    1: shes dating someone else but still wants to remain friends and sociable with you.


    2: Shes trying to get your attention in the hopes you ask her out or something, now that shes single.


    3: shes purposely trying to egg you on, and by being indifferent and passive your actually feeding her ego.

    In all three the best thing to do would be to either confront her- or confront your boss. Explain that your uncomfortable with the situation and ask if there are alternatives. Like maybe a shift swap,.fixing the printer, or just having a solid conversation.

  5. She’s just the type of girl to field multiple offers. Likely a girl who’s also afraid of being single, and wants someone to fill the role of boyfriend until she finds someone better. Run for the hills and don’t believe when she inevitably tells you, that you’re different

  6. Keep it movin fam. She wants attention and has gone through the pool of dudes already. I would not pay her attention and just keep it pushing. She will eventually get tired of it and will find someone else.

  7. Please document everything and get as much evidence as possible. She could try and get you in trouble with HR and get you fired if you reject her.

  8. Depends what you want, I’d def ask her if her printer stopped working or something. Fuck around and find out dude, what if she just wants to smash? Win win.

  9. Totally ignore. When she comes around put something on your desk that blocks her face lmao like a folder lololol.

  10. She likely knows she got attention off you before so is trying that again seen as it didn’t work out with the other guy. It’s been like a year though right? Don’t be her sloppy seconds!

  11. She probably just wants attention , if I was in your shoes I’ll continue leaving her alone after the way she acted lol

  12. Seems like she’s a monkey brancher, gotta have another branch to swing to because she doesn’t like the fall.

  13. She had her chance and played you.
    I’d say don’t go there and keep giving her the cold shoulder.
    Judging by her record, even if you did bite, you’d likely be history as soon as someone she likes better comes along.
    Up to you of course, it’s your choice at the end of the day.

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