If you had the chance to be the king, which country would you rule?

  1. Just the entire continent of Antarctica. Cause fuck having to deal with masses of people. Be down there in my ice castle kicking it with penguins and seals and shit

  2. China. I’ve got the absolute authority, manufacturing base, and the manpower.

    Prepare yourself for a Chinese Cultural Restoration.

    豺 Dynasty.

  3. I would be the king of the US and make it exactly like all of the misconception non-US Redditors have about the US.

  4. Norway. The land of Vikings. Unite (or take over) the rest of Scandinavia and start invading (plundering) the rest of the world like my ancestors did

  5. America. There’s going to be *a lot* of beheadings. Like way more than you’re thinking.

  6. CAR (Central African Republic)

    It’s one of the most resource dense countries in the world.

    It’s a brutal place. The government treats its people like slaves.

    Force a regime change. Liquidate all the funds from the former regime. Liquidate all foreign contractors/industries and their resources and nationalize them.

    Infuse the massive amount of funds into a legitimate social aid program for the country. Get the people back everything that’s been stolen from them.

    Supply them with appropriate healthcare, education, and other basic living standards.

    Build infrastructure to utilize the natural resources.

    Create a culture and zeal that can then be exported into all the other African countries (starting with the DRC) kicking out all foreigner usurpers.

    Create an African federation that is its own world power bloc.

    Obviously world domination is the end goal but the central African Republic would be a good start.

  7. Tasmania. I know it isn’t a country, but I would make it one. Not a booming world power and higher-than-normal unemployment (last I heard) due to its location and separation from the mainland, but truly a serene, wonderful part of the world filled with absolutely delightful people.

  8. I would want to be the king of the central banks, aka the bank of international settlements or the international mafia fund. Be the guy that has leverage over the countries that depend on them to fund their obligations. That’s the king of the world and I would rule them all.

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