How do I stop worrying about coming off as rude or ungrateful around people? I notice I say “Thank you” way too often … for example, I thank a waiter when they come over to refill my water glass and again when they’re done. And *again* if they refill my SO’s glass. My SO has called me out on this, and I’ve been trying to stop saying it so often. But it’s like a knee-jerk reaction.

I also over-thank when people do nice things for me (offer to give me a lift somewhere, give me a gift, etc.). In this situation, I feel like I haven’t done anything worthy to deserve their kindness, and want to make sure they know I’m appreciative. I often feel like I’m imposing on a situation or a burden and even though I know I’m not.

I think this all stems from my upbringing, and these feelings make it difficult to just relax and be at ease when hanging out with potential friends.

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