How old is your phone?

  1. Can we get polling options for stuff like this?

    I’m an American, I get a new phone whenever my battery runs out. Just kidding, my iPhone 12 is about 2.5 years old.

  2. One is 4 years old. The other one is less than a year.

    I switch when the battery starts to degrade In taking a charge.

  3. Four or five months? My last phone I had for five years but I decided it was time for an upgrade.

  4. Almost four years. It’s an iPhone 8plus which was already an older model when I bought it.

  5. 1-2 years old. The last one was super slow and had to be recharged in the middle of the day.

  6. My current cell phone, an iPhone 8, I purchased refurbished in late 2018.

    But I also have desk phones ranging back to 1957 and even circa 1930.

  7. iPhone XR, so 4.5 years old. Starting to lock up and slow down, so time for a replacement; 5 years seems to be par for the course with phones nowadays.

  8. Almost 2 years old. Currently have a Samsung S21+ but I’ve been eyeballing the S22 Ultra for months

  9. 4 years, can’t run many apps anymore, so I have to run website versions of Amazon and instacart my bank etc

    Other than that it has been very reliable for a $49 Samsung phone lol

  10. Oh, four months now. Google was offering ludicrous trade in value back in the fall so I jumped on it.

  11. Pixel 6a bought in August 2022 after the moto Z3 battery died(which was a 1 year old refurbished replacement). I hadn’t paid for a new phone since 2015, got tired of free replacements that lasted less than 2 years

  12. About 2 years old.

    I generally use my phones until I can’t. One old smartphone I gave up on after a few years because the battery couldn’t hold a charge anymore. Every other phone has lasted until they stopped doing OS updates for it and an app I need, like my mobile banking app, wouldn’t work with the older OS my phone ran on.

  13. 2.5 years. Pixel 4a, I ordered prerelease. Starting to think about replacing it, maybe this spring/summer.

  14. I got an iphone11 and before that had the 6. Almost doubled my iPhone. Plan to try doing the same with this.

  15. I have a cracked iPhone 8 I’ve been using for five or six years. I don’t like giving Apple money but I’ll probably be forced to buy a new one soon.

  16. Moto z2 Force, about 4 or 5 years old. It’s a pretty solid phone. I’ve dropped it very often for the whole time I’ve had it, and it barely has a scratch or any damage. And it still works great. It can still run any app I’ve thrown at it. And the battery still lasts a long time.

  17. iPhone X, its 6 years old but I bought it secondhand more like 4 years ish ago I think. Still good! My charge port likes to get cluttered with stuff often and it makes charging annoying.

  18. 70 years (1950s rotary dial with dial-out chip added). Oh, you meant my pocket computer… that’s about 4 years old and working fine.

  19. 6 years. Galaxy S8. I refuse to get a new phone that does not have a headphone jack *and* SD card slot. My S8 still works. I will hold out for as long as I can.

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