I’ve noticed that people respond really well to a slight smile and the establishment of eye contact. I think as long as you look them in the eyes for a second or two when approaching them, it’s enough to be taken as a sign of confidence and it shows respect for them. I feel like people thought I was weird or didn’t want to talk to me because I’d never smile or make any real eye contact with them. It takes practice, it’s crazy that I have to almost learn how to be human. But, I think I’m getting better at it.

  1. Glad you figured out this one on your own! It’s one of the first things that’s important to work on.

    1) **Eye Contact + Big Smile** when meeting someone or approaching.

    2) **”Hint of a Smile”** if you want to be approachable or appear interested as a conversation is happening.

    Nice job!

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