Men, how do you take care of your nails – Do you clip them or pick them?

  1. I clip them but not often enough. I honestly don’t think about it until they’re too long. But once I realize, I have to clip them immediately. That’s why I have clippers everywhere lol.

  2. I grind em down with a Dremel and grinding wheel. Funny my gf who just moved in thought I got manicures till she saw me doing it. I told her I’ve been doing it for years. I’ve gotten pretty good at it.

  3. I clip and clean mine as needed. Used to bite them. The ladies don’t like that. Most people don’t. And I used to just end up with ragged, short, useless, ugly nails. Sometimes would tear off too much and end up bleeding and in pain. Clippers are well worth it.

  4. surprisingly it’s one of the few hygeine things im kind of legit crazy about. I hate the feeling of anymore than like 1 mm of fingernail growth. I keep mine very very short.

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