What I mean is: you were in a relationship where you loved your partner, you had a healthy relationship, but the circumstances made it impossible (distance or choosing career over relationship are two things I can think of). How did you figure out that you had to end it? How did you know that you really couldn’t change the situation?

  1. I loved him so much (still do) but we were both about to start university in challenging fields and he had to move to an other country. We were 18 and talked about it beforehand. He didn’t want to break up at first but we knew we wouldn’t be able to see or talk to each other and would end up ruining what was a beautiful relationship so we agreed to break up the day he left which was the same week I started school. It’s painful but I never want to be responsable for him failing his studies and I always promised myself to never let someone get in the way of my dreams and ambitions. I don’t regret it and would do it again, maybe we’ll find each other again, maybe we won’t.

  2. It seemed like the absolute most opportune time for a clean break. We were both at a point in our careers where the job came first, and he got an opportunity that would have made us even more long distance than we already were. While we did consider staying together, he was still questioning whether or not he wanted kids, probably wasn’t going to be ready for marriage for a while, and we didn’t have a clear end date for being long-distance. Him moving was probably the best shot we had at a mutual and friendly breakup so we did.

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