Hey all, simple question, I’ve been with my girlfriend for about 3 years, but I’ll be honest, I’m having some doubts about my relationship. I won’t go too into it but my question is for people with healthy relationships. We don’t have as much sex as we once did. Obviously the honey moon phase passes some day but there’s times where we won’t for a good couple weeks and times where it’s 3-4 times a week. I’m not exactly sure if this is normal because sometimes I just don’t feel like it but don’t get me wrong. I care for her and love her and I’m still attracted to her she is literally factually beautiful and even if I some how hated her someday it wouldn’t change that she is attractive af. But yeah, is this normal?

TL;DR me (22M) and my gf (23F) will sometimes go weeks without sex and then sometimes we’ll have sex 2-4 times a week. Is this normal?

  1. Frequency of sexual activity can vary in relationships, what’s important is that both of you are comfortable and satisfied with your sex life. Communication and understanding each other’s needs is key.

  2. Better question is, is she responsive to your initiating? Or is she manipulative about sex? As in, if you initiate, will she go along? Or is not having sex because nobody initiates and you’re just doing your things? If you initiate and she’s just “not in the mood” for weeks on end, I would say that’s a bad sign and be looking for the exit.

    Also, you keep asking if its normal? There probably isn’t a normal, some couples have sex more frequently than others based on the libidos and initiating, the question is if you are happy. If you want to have more sex, initiate more. Talk to her about it if that’s not working (in a kind way, of course). If she’s being withholding or manipulative, or unwilling to move your direction if that’s what you want, then you may be in trouble. If she’s not interested in your happiness, you’re in trouble.

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