If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?

  1. Blackpink Jisoo. I want to know what it’s like to be gorgeous, talented and loved, and I also always wanted to know what it’s like to be on stage in front of tens of thousands screaming fans.

    Wanted to say any of my favourite metal drummers for the same stage/concert reason, but I realise I’d rather spend a day as a gorgeous young woman than an average-looking middle aged man lmao

  2. My partner.

    I believe I love myself, and truly try and attend to my needs every day. I give myself words of affirmations, call myself sexy in the mirror, and just always give myself the best version of me every day that I can.

    And yet I don’t think I’ve ever loved myself the way my partner loves me. His family, friends, and colleagues have all made commentary on the way he looks at me. How his eyes brighten up and his smile goes from ear to ear the second I walk into the room. I’ve heard about how cheerful he gets when he receives a text from me, and I’ve seen it from across the room before he even notices I’ve arrived. When we’re apart, he’s always so loved dovey with me, and when we see each other again, he has the deepest look of longing in his eyes.

    If I could trade lives with anyone for a day, I would want it to be my partner. I would want to see myself in the same way he looks at me. To feel and experience our memories through his eyes, if they’re as happy and as joyful as I experience them too. Does his heart skip a beat and does he catch it breath from excitement the same way I do him? I’d just love to experience all of our love and life the way he does, and to also get to experience life as he does. Maybe I’ll learn something about him that I never knew about, something I could also fall in love with.

  3. Vogue Williams. Seems like she’s got a fun, full, exciting and loving life. Also like …. dem legs who does not want.

  4. A bird, honestly. It would be weird and uncomfortable to be someone else and then back to my life – no thanks. I want to be a bird.

  5. Lorelai from Gilmore Girls. Then I could live in Stars Hollow, meet all the neat people there, and date Luke. 😊

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