Every guy I’ve been with has a dick that smells like a warm flour tortilla, all very clean guys. I’m not even kidding when I say I get horny every time I microwave a burrito because of the smell 💀 Is it just the normal bacteria on there like with vaginas?

  1. You sure its them or it could just be your mouth? Ill admit, havent had sex in a very long time, so I dont recall this. It would make me more hungry than horny though lol

  2. I hope my wife doesn’t notice the whole grocery budget going to tortillas – or the proliferation of microwaves around the house.

  3. I’m going to blow my partner within the next few hours. I accept this mission and will report back.

    Edit: it was a great blow job, and I could definitely see how pheromones would give you an idea of flour tortillas, but I was honestly focused and my mind was not on a burrito 😏😏

  4. BRB. Gonna go smell my man’s dick without context. He’s gonna be so confused. 🤣

  5. This is crazy because I could never put my finger on the smell, but I definitely think you’re onto something here 😂

  6. Mine does because during the winter I microwave tortillas and wrap my penis up in them to keep warm. Vaginas are just warm so you probably haven’t had to do anything like this.

  7. Maybe it has something to do with the lard in tortillas? I notice this similarity too; both items in question have a slight tang scent/taste

  8. I am a food chemist. Specifically a flavorist… i create flavors for beverages, candles, perfume, cologne, medicine . This question intrigued me.

    So I Googled it… flour tortilla main aroma is 2-aminoacetophenone… there is an amino acid there which is a protein. Pheno which can break down to phenolic compounds assuming this can happen with either time or heat.

    Heating something makes molecules move faster so they will dissipate into the atmosphere quicker. You’re giving them more energy. That’s why your farts smell worse in the shower. EDIT let me rephrase your farts smell STRONGER in the shower. Lol after reading I can see some of you like the smell of your own farts in the shower 😆

    Flour tortillas are also treated with an acid to make them shelf stable. A lower pH will prevent mold. White flour is also acidic. There is also yeast in some types of flour torts

    Now the smell of penis its such a complex thing. So many sweat glands. Butyric acid, 3-methyl hexaonic acid.. I can only assume body parts share a lot of food aromatic compounds. Diacetyl acetate is the artificial flavor for popcorn you smell in the movie theater but can also be found in your armpits!!

  9. So do you like burritos because they smell like dick or do you like dick because they smell like burritos??? 🤔🤔🤔

  10. Have you try it with some salsa roja and a dash of lime on it yet ?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)

  11. I applaud this redditor for posting this.

    A lot of dudes are getting BJs tonight because of this post.

    You’re doing good in the world, OP.

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