I have a friend who I have known since we were in primary school, and continued to be close with throughout secondary school. I stayed in the same city for university, and she moved down south. For the first couple of years of university, we managed to see each other at least once per long holiday, so about twice a year, and continued to keep on touch on Instagram messenger. I saw her last summer and it went well. We are definitely more different to each other than we used to be, and she seems to have embraced student life more than I have, but we still had as much to talk about as ever. We also met up with another friend from school who I talk to every once in a while.

Since then, I have continued to try and get in touch with her, communicating in basically the same way: sending her things I think she might find interesting and memes that she might find funny. After a couple of messages, I noticed that she did not seem to be replying to the messages or even reading them. She hasn’t answered any of my messages since about August. I sent her a couple of things a month until November when I decided that it probably wasn’t worth it. She has continued to post regularly on Instagram, so she’s clearly still active.

I did a quick Google search, but it seems to refer to not getting a reply after hours or days, so not helpful to me here.

TLDR: my friend has stopped answering my messages on Instagram but is still active. Is this weird, and what do I do?

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