I (18M) am really clingy when I like someone. I am always thinking about one of my friends and I keep wanting their attention / affection / acceptance. When I don’t get it, it hurts. When someone else gets it, it hurts. I know being jealous like this is probably immature and childish. I am a big hugger but they aren’t and that also hurts.

I’ve been with them 2 years and it’s a bit better now. Is this normal for someone my age?

I get unduly attached to people, and when they turn out to be different from what I’d thought, it hurts. They’re often not as sensitive as I am and I am easily hurt when their tone of voice changes towards me.

Any advice would really be appreciated.

TL;DR I’m obsessed/infatuated with one of my friends and my clinginess leads to me being hurt.

1 comment
  1. You can get help for this. You have attachment issues that can be uncovered and potentially healed in psychotherapy. You can talk to someone at any women’s center in your community to find a low-cost list of therapists. If you are still under your parents insurance therapy might also be covered by that good luck it can be done.

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