What does happiness mean to you?

  1. Imo happiness is just an emotion like any other (sadness, anger, etc) that is going to come and go and isn’t something you can hold onto forever

  2. A stress free life. I’m at my happiest when I’m out with friends and not worrying about life.

  3. – A good nap

    – warm delicious food

    – a tight hug from a loved one

    – a smile

    – puppies

  4. I’m a philosophy major. This is my time to shine hehehehe.

    Okay so, happiness is something EVERYONE wants to achieve no matter what. Some people seek money, fame, pleasure, affection, etc as a mean of happiness. Are they wrong? I think so. A lot of people think ancient philosophy is about bearded dudes that jerk off(can be a bit true for hedonists) but that’s not the case. Most ancient philosophers tried to find happiness. interestedly enough, all philosophy branches had something in commun, Ataraxia, which means “Peace of mind”.

    Every(or most) philosophers believed that Ataraxia was what a man or woman should thrive for. Now for me, I’m a big believer in Stoicism and Epicureanism.


    How to achieve Peace for stoics: Being virtuous

    For Epicureanism: Seeking the least pain possible. Pleasure for them is having no pain.



    Eating a simple meal should make you happy. If you seek higher pleasure: sex, drugs, alcohol, always on your phone, [etc.](https://etc.It) It means that you have problems inside you wether you like it or not.


    In conclusion, Happiness is a feeling and shouldn’t be your main priority. Peace should be what you thrive for. Hapiness will come and go such as sadness. Now you might say: “But sadness is usually more common than happiness”. You are absolutely right my friend. It’s easier to destroy a plant to make it bloom, it’s harder to be a bad person than good, etc.

  5. Financial security combined with little stress and a fulfilling job / life.

    I’m…not on the road to that. I’m purusing a career that isn’t exactly my favorite, but it hopefully will provide me with financial security and enough funds to pursue fulfilling hobbies.

    It definitely isn’t stress-free…or even filled with little stress. Its stress turned up to eleven.

  6. Fast cars , a comfortable home , a full stomach , a healthy sex life , and good friends and family

  7. Being alive, I’m just happy to be here even if there are problems it’s still good to be alive.

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