I have been trying to hide away in our bedroom when the guys come over since some of them don’t seem to like me for some reason. I don’t understand why, I am a very reserved and agreeable person. I can’t think of anything that I have done to cause any issues. I don’t want to create drama so I have been finding excuses to leave the room when they visit since they asked me to stay away. Should I tell my partner what is going on? I feel that would just make more drama.

Edit: perhaps my reserved manner is part of the problem. The friends that have a problem of me are loud and argumentative but I don’t engage in arguments with them when they try and start with me.

  1. Are you a woman? Perhaps these guys feel that they can’t speak freely when you’re around (guy’s night, guy talk, all that bullshit).

    I wouldn’t tell your fiancé. Just tell him you want him to spend time with his friends.

  2. Do you know that they want you to stay out? Have they said as much? More than likely they just want to be dudes and do dude stuff, and a woman, regardless of how tomboyish she is, throws off the vibe. I don’t know why but it’s just how it is for majority of guys.

  3. Dude, dont hide in your own home. Carry on as normal. If they have an issue with you being there, they can hang out elsewhere. I dont know that its worth discussing with your partner unless someone addresses you rudely . Theyre entitled to an opinion, and youre entitled to free use of your home.

  4. Tell your partner, but also if your friends want to hang out without you around, they need to find a different space than your *home*.

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