For those of you who have been married for any period of time: what is your input?

  1. Married 15 years. I feel it’s worth it. It’s definitely not easy, but I would still do it all again

  2. Worth it? Absolutely.

    With the caveat that you get what you put in. Its work and your going to get on each others nerves. I strongly suggest going through some challenges before getting married. If you have trouble working with or cooperating, it will misfire.

    The depth of connection and especially raising children is very rewarding.

    As long as you keep attempting to understand each-other’s point of view and validating each others feelings.

    It’s a way of taking a stake in the world and saying I’m committed. Not ‘well lets see who else comes along’ which why there is a murky definition of a relationship that is long term but not marriage.

  3. Married 50 years. It’s not easy. It’s hard work sometimes. It is all about trust and sharing everything. No secrets. In this modern world, passwords are a big thing. Share your passwords or use the same ones. Phones can be the seed of deceit, that starts people hiding things.

  4. I was married for 25 years the first time. I was very unhappy in that marriage. Being married to an abusive philanderer will do that to ya! I would have said NO at the time- that it wasn’t worth it.

    Now, I am remarried to a different partner who treats me with love and kindness. We’ve been married 4 years, and now I’d say YES. It’s VERY worth it!

    To sum up– It’s not worth it to be in a bad marriage, but a good marriage is amazing.

  5. Yes, keep both parties focused on their future together. Not being married the future outlook remains singular with parts unknown.

  6. Different people will have different answers to this. Is it worth it for me after 33 years together, 27 married? Absolutely. Is it worth it for everyone? Absolutely not.

    For me, finding someone with a similar outlook on life, similar goals, similar morals, that I could trust to be there for me just as much if not more than I am there for her makes it all worth while. Between the two of us, we fill in each others gaps and make each other that much more complete. We’re a team and will be to the end.

    Plus, not having to go through whatever it is they call dating these days is a blessing in and of itself… 🙂

  7. For the most part definitely. But it takes emotional intelligence and patience. And some luck. I’m still learning after 40 years.

  8. If you marry the the right one, yes. If you choose unwisely it can be the worst decision of your life. I have been with my wife for 30 years and I’m still a happy mother fuker and it was worth the good and bad. I also seen shit shows and families destroyed. It takes work, plus it’s a risk because it takes two to make it work, but only one to fuck it all up. Good luck

  9. depends on the person you marry. also you can easily just live together with a person and not get married. marriage is only for legal reasons. im married but i do understand everyone is different

  10. I feel like the luckiest guy finding my wife and marriage is 100% worth it for me.

    I had a good life and having her in it makes it a great life. She is my best friend, my lover, and my biggest cheerleader. I honestly feel like I have won the lottery.

    I think we have a great marriage because we entered into our relationship as fully self aware and happy individuals. Having each other is a bonus and we are here to build the life that we want together, to love one another and to support each other on each of our personal goals.

    I have had good partners in the past and because of my own immaturity, have ruined relationships. On the flip side, I have dated people who were wrong for me or those that did not want the same things as me, and those relationships were torturous. So I think, having the right person, at the right time (when one is ready and willing) is crucial for a successful marriage.

  11. Marriage is only as worthwhile as the relationship. You don’t need marriage to make your relationship amazing and marriage will not make a relationship better. If you’re in a relationship you know is forever, then get married, or don’t. It doesn’t really matter. But if you have that person, don’t let them go. And don’t settle for less.

  12. Worth it with the right person, you have to marry the person that you know will always do whatever it takes to make you happy. You also have to be the same for them. Do not marry a selfish person.

  13. I’ve been married over 25 years. It’s been 95% great and the other 5% was just stuff I needed to work on.

  14. For me, there was never any question. I committed myself to her so young (at 17) that I didn’t really see any reason not to. It was dumb luck; my wife is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. We’re together 33 years, married 27.

    My input: if you’re weighing pros and cons you’ve probably not found the right person.

  15. My marriage has very much been worth it. But I imagine not every marriage is. It takes two to make it worth it. One can’t do it on their own.

  16. Married 37 years and we have a great marriage we constantly talk and we hold hands all day and we are always kissing or dancing with each other. Marriage is worth it but both people must want the marriage to work.

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