
It’s honestly a very dumb reason, and I don’t know why that happened in the first place,

Watched one Episode of the Last of Us show without him, he got upset, told him I would ask him next time if he wants to watch it together.

Continued asking him for weeks if he wanted to watch something, he never wanted to, so I decided to watch another episode on my own, since he never wants to, and I really enjoy the show.

He gets extremely upset, hangs up our call, and continues to ignore my texts for the next 8 hours and then blocks my number, and goes to sleep, without having talked to me whatsoever, despite being on his phone/playing games/ doing whatever.

dont really know what to do seems so weird to me to be this upset over that, i’m getting a little fed up at this point

edit: we been dating for 7 months, its kind of long distance, we meet every month in person


TL;DR – Boyfriend ignored me for 8 hours and then blocked my number for watching the second episode of Last of Us without him, he got upset about me watching the first one without him,told him id ask him if he wanted to see the next one, he always didn’t wanna watch anything, decided to watch it on my own, got upset and did what i said above

  1. Just rip the band aid off and end it. Do you really wanna deal with that forever? Next he’ll get upset you go hang out with friends, or do anything without him.

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