So there was a girl \[23F\] who I barely knew for a year but I always felt strong, sexual drive towards her and I was thinking alot about her in that matter, so one day I decided to do something with it and started messaging her.

After maybe three weeks of dating, last weekend we’ve had an incredible sex together on friday and saturday, which for me was a feeling of incredible succes in these moments.

But now, though she wants to repeat it this weekend, we actually settled a night together in my place tonight, but I realised I stopped feeling this towards her. The drive disappeared and it’s no more “something special” as it was before we did sex. She fits all my physical preferences, but somehow I do not feel anything more to her, I stopped really “wanting” her after I got her and now I don’t rly know what should I do.

How is it possible that happened? I have never been through a loss of sex drive towards a girl in this way.


tl;dr I had sex with a dreamed-girl of mine and I stopped feeling sex drive after this, but she wants to continue having sex with me

  1. I (21m) think this pretty common. The post nut clarity can be real. You aren’t the first person to experience this. You should talk with this woman. You may find your attraction returning once your face to face with her. I suggest that you mentally prepare to hear her say “you just used me for sex”.

    I recommend you write down lists of what physical and personality traits you find attractive generally and unique things you find attractive about this individual woman.

  2. Sounds like it was built up in your head for so long that when the actual experience happened it was such a relief that everything you thought about just kind of ended at that point

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