How to re attract a girl who showed high interest but now after over pursuing she is distant and cold?

  1. Holy shit, your post history. Leave her alone and take some time to figure your shit out, maybe go to therapy. It’s not healthy to be obsessing the way that you are.

  2. Why do you keep posting this. She doesn’t want you, and you can’t make her. Dude, where is your self-respect.

  3. Don’t. Examine what you did wrong, use that to not fuck it up next time and move on. You probably made your attention too cheap, which lowers its value to the point where it’s not an attractive quality.

  4. Is the OP a troll?

    He keeps asking the same question repeatedly. He gets the answers (by this point it’s the same answers). Then begins the cycle of asking the same questions over and over again (especially in this subreddit).

  5. Best thing to do is just abruptly cut her off. Wait a couple weeks maybe a month. If she has any bit of care left in her, she’ll wonder what happened to you and wanna talk to you again. If she doesnt bother texting you again, its over.

  6. Fill that void with something else.

    A man full of himself is better than a man who has nothing to offer, but reflections of a woman’s past actions towards him.

  7. time to move on and focus on yourself.

    it sucks but you need to let her come back to you when she sees you doing well or having no one else to talk with.

  8. Learn from this, overpursuing sucks. It’s her way of telling you to bug off and find someone else.

    Relationships need to follow their natural course, some will grow into great things, some will not go anywhere. There has to be free will to be in one from both parties.

    Take some time off, and when you’re ready again, look for someone else.

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