Can’t really describe what happened in detail because I had my post removed because it was offtopic, but essentially something happened that made me weary that everyone isn’t trustworthy and is just out to get me. For context, I’m starting my 6th semester of college soon after having a month long winter break. I broke out of my social recluse shell, made some friends and opened myself up to experiences that I never had. I would hate to go back to my small bubble again but I’m slightly paranoid about the people around me. I feel like I could break down and be scared of people again if someone was cruel enough to push me over the edge. How do I bounce back from this trauma?

  1. I resonate with this post to a great extent…. I literally have the same problem and I’m 4 semesters in. Made a similar post a few hours ago as well.

    Firstly, you have to give yourself a pat on your back for breaking out of your social recluse shell.

    It’s natural to be paranoid, but if you’re too paranoid it begins to show in the way you interact, and that could be a bit concerning for your newfound friends.

    So, just try to have as much fun with them, and keep and open mind while hanging out with them. The last thing you want is having your friends misinterpreting your paranoia as them being poor company.

    Also, you can’t really bounce back tbh, things like this take a lot of self-convincing. So let time heal it.

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