Do you think T-Shirt tans (farmer tans) are unattractive? Why or why not?

  1. Not really? I’ve never thought about it that way, just makes me think they need sunscreen. Lol

  2. I think t-shirt tans are hilarious, much like sandal tans are (and shorts tans, etc.).

    As long as you are taking the necessary precautions (sunscreen, etc.) then it is what it is.

  3. It makes me think that the person works outside or has a hobby that keeps them outside a lot which I personally find super attractive.

  4. For me it totally depends on the person/body they are on. If I think their body is hot their tan lines are sexy as fuck and not unattractive.

  5. I’ve never given tan lines any thought, ever. If my partner had a tan, I’d hound him about using sunscreen and that tanning your skin is horrible for you.

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