I CANNOT get with this. I tried this before because of the idea of it being hot and I heard it come out of my mouth and I was so disturbed. Why do those that like being called this like being called this and why do the ones that do it do it? No hate here at all like do your thing, whatever makes you happy I just don’t get it. Can yall explain this to me like like you’re really trying to convince me to hop onboard with this

  1. It’s role-play and it’s a power exchange. You are submitting yourself to ‘Daddy’ which is a word that can mean ‘boss’ or ‘sir’ not an actual father or father figure.

    It’s also taboo which can be quite hot.

  2. Lol. This is one of those things where you don’t have people in the middle. People either find it really hot or a big turn off. No point trying to get people who find it hot to try to help you get it. It’s just not your thing.

  3. I think it is very unsexy as a man, but… Calling my partner mommy during sex gives me a hormone rush and fills me with ecstasy

  4. why does touching you feet tickle you ? why does the sun rise ?
    what kind of explanation are you looking for ?

  5. Before dipping into this I might ask why you want to be convinced of it? Just to be sure, if it disturbs you or grosses you out then you shouldn’t force yourself to say it. It’s perfectly okay to not be okay with the idea to be clear.

    Now having said that, there can be any number of reasons. I think for most it’s a power exchange thing based in feelings of security associated with the common understanding of a father’s role to his “baby girl” as a provider, protector, and mentor. A man who enjoys being called “daddy” by his partner often derives enjoyment from the idea of the woman in his life seeing him as her caretaker (usually financially) and provider. And the woman who enjoys calling her partner “daddy” likely enjoys thinking of him as her provider and a person she can enjoy being more (for lack of a better term) immature with.

    This gets into HEAVY kink territory but those feelings often extend to a bedroom setting, with “taking care of” going into a different definition. A sort of excitement of an established power exchange dynamic where the man makes sure his partner’s needs/satisfaction are taken care of and he takes the lead in a dominating sense. The flipside is a lack of pressure on her side. She just needs to be his “good girl”, do as he says, act very submissive/infantile, and make him feel in control.

    It’s DEFINITELY not for everyone, and even for many who are into it those feelings tend to fade when actual children become part of the relationship. Also not everyone grew up with parents and many who did didn’t grow up with healthy emotionally stable parents so in those instances they may not have the same association with the term/connotation. That or they are just especially kinky and enjoy heavy power exchange dynamics. Some keep it strictly in the bedroom and some take it outside the bedroom.

  6. I (21m) feel like the Daddy kink is because the positive aspects of a father figure are also desired in a partner. Making someone feel safe, scene, taken care of, special/unique, never wanting to harm them, never leaving them, putting their needs first, simply having to think very little about what’s happening around you.

    I’m not a submissive person but it seems from everything I’ve learned that submission is largely a desire to safely feel out of control. A child doesn’t control what their father does but always feels safe around them. Sadly in reality this isn’t true but in a fantasy it doesn’t matter.

    I like being Daddy with my first partner and didn’t after that but I think I will with my next because I like giving people those feelings of safety while still being in control. I’ve been told by non sex partners I make them feel that way and liked it so having all that wrapped into one word is nice.

  7. It never occurred to me to call my husband “daddy” in bed until I recently saw an interview with Pedro Pascal that sold me on the idea.

    The interviewer asks whether Pascal thinks he or Oscar Isaac is a “bigger daddy.” Pascal replies that he himself is the bigger daddy, even though Isaac is an actual dad: “… but ‘daddy’ is a state of mind, y’know what I’m saying? [looks directly into camera] I’m your daddy.”

    I dunno, it just clicked.

    I’ve never called my own father “daddy” and don’t watch porn with any kinks or power play, so I don’t associate the term “daddy” with dads in a literal or kinky sense. This made it easier to adopt in my own bedroom talk, and it’s more of an attitude than a role. Hard to explain, but it works for us.

  8. It’s not anymore after finding out my boyfriend was talking to a man calling him daddy while sitting right next to me. I didn’t know I had to worry about him cheating on me with other men too and not just females

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