in the past week, 2 people i know have ghosted me. these are friends i have known for a year plus. they have unfollowed me on social media and have stopped talking to me for no reason. there was no fallout or fight and i have tried reaching out without being overbearing in the past, but have eventually stopped doing that because people rarely reach out to me. im so sick of having good intentions and being kind and caring, only to be abandoned. i honestly feel like the best thing for me is to not have friends anymore because i have been done dirty by multiple friendships and i cannot deal with people anymore. i have been pushed past my limit and my abandonment issues have become too much for me to maintain a friendship. i am sick of people and have lost all trust in any human being.

1 comment
  1. Don’t take this personally. You gonna meet a lot of people who are gonna behave like that for no reasons or just because you aren’t good enough for them.

    It has a lot of explanations, but the best thing you can do is to move on with your life and do what’s best for yourself.

    Remember that a lot of people are just stupid, bad or just won’t respect you even if you’re what you say.

    Thing is, no matter how hard you’ll try you’ll only make things worse.

    It’s though, I know from personal experiences that you feel hurt, but move on and don’t look back.

    If they ever come back just keep this in mind and do what you think is best.

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