Yesterday I asked where you hate. Today, I ask where you love. I’m surprised no one took that low hanging fruit already.

What made it so great? Why were you there? Do you think it will stay great?

  1. most places are great if you have the cash. i love costa rica, but i don’t go anywhere near san jose’s inner city….i mostly just avoid SJ completely, preferring cost rica’s west coast.

    same with hawaii. it’s like paradise as long as you can afford it.

    but i think in terms of sheer beauty and charm, probably upstate NY or the irish countryside. especially ireland, because it’s not only beautiful…it’s also very safe.

  2. Milford sounds NZ, was a magical place on a magical trip 🙂

    Went to NZ for a month on vacation, end goal of the trip was to see the Sounds, the bus drive itself was very neat with all the sights (especially when going through the mountains), got to see some kea as well (neat birds).

    It stopped raining before we got there, which meant there was a fuckload of little waterfalls jutting out throughout the sounds, rainbows as well.

    Overall 12/10

  3. Tahoe is awesome and I love lots of places in Hawaii. Silver Falls in Oregon has a trail where you can walk behind one of the falls. Pretty dope. Tennessee is also super scenic.

  4. For vacations, Amsterdam. For living, well probably the French countryside, not far from any decent sized city. I’m not giving away a more accurate location.

  5. Iceland, without a doubt. Such a diverse, primordial landscape. Beautiful in a raw, powerful sort of way. The real land of ice and fire.

  6. London

    Sophisticated, beautiful architecture, world-class restaurants and public transportation, great scenery

    Very different from here in Los Angeles.

  7. Italy or Switzerland. Hopefully adding Hawaii to that list soon. Weather, food, culture, cost, views/scenery were all incredible, well, except cost for Switzerland lol.

  8. When I was younger I rode up to a canyon on my 4-wheeler. Was just walking around on top of the canyon looking for cool rocks. Sunset came and the canyon has reddish rock. So it’s just glowing neon red. While I’m admiring this and walking thru the waste high grass, a freaking untamed herd of horses comes over and the leader (mare) walks up and lets me pet him before running off with the herd. (Ya he obviously has been around some ppl that feed him in the winter but this was a huge open range. So the chances were slim)

    I once saw it that horse again and my dad tried to jump on it and got bucked off a few years later with my mom telling him how stupid he was lol…

  9. I’ve only been abroad 3 times and 2 of those were disneyland paris, but the US road trip I did in 2017 was something special. The best actual place during that was yellowstone, though the highlight of the actual experience was seeing blue whales up close in monterrey bay

  10. My top WOW moments were in:

    Glacier National Park, Canada.
    Moab, USA.
    Fraser Island, Australia.
    Langtang National Park, Nepal.

  11. San Diego, California. Been out there a couple times to visit family. Beautiful place, 70° weather in January, a ton of great food and Balboa fucking Park. San Diego’s only serious drawback is the price, but holy fuck what a great city.

  12. Definitely a tie between Monaco, Crete, or Oahu.
    They all have their ups and downs, but the memories attached with those visits will last forever.

  13. Hi OP, just saw this post.

    Best place for me was the states of Montana and Wyoming. So much so that I purchased property right outside Jackson Hole. You want to talk about peace and tranquility! I will spend my last days on earth right there.

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