You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!

You both like Books.

**You:** hi

**Stranger:** hi

**You:** ya like books

**Stranger:** yup

**You:** I assumed

**You:** whats your favorite

**Stranger:** hby?

**You:** i do yes

**Stranger:** i have many picking one is difficult-

**You:** whatever comes to mind

**You:** you have 10 secs pick one

**You:** 9

**You:** 8

**You:** 7

**You:** 6

**Stranger:** cruel prince

**You:** 5

**Stranger:** Omg wait

**You:** wait what

**Stranger:** i was tensed when you started to count

**You:** oh

**You:** my bad bro

**You:** also are you from Spain

**Stranger:** yea?

**You:** whats your opinion on the book verity

**Stranger:** wait

**Stranger:** are you the one i texted before?

**You:** its a small world i gues

**You:** we were meant to be

**Stranger:** haha

**You:** you read lotr yet

**You:** its only 1000 pages total

**You:** prolly coulda managed it idk

**Stranger:** ouu imma read it soon then

**You:** wait is 1000 pages not a lot to you?

**You:** im a bit outclassed

**Stranger:** no ig

**You:** You a fast reader?

**Stranger:** I finish 4-5 book a week so i don’t think it’s much

**You:** jesus christ

**You:** i am outclassed

**Stranger:** hehe only when i find the book intresting

**You:** I only pick books I find purposefully uninteresting sometimes

**You:** for a concentration challenge

**Stranger:** lmao i never did that

**Stranger:** That might ruin my whole freaking mood

**You:** lol its a bit rough sometimes

**You:** but sometimes you run into a gem of a book that only picks up halfway through

**Stranger:** trueee

**You:** you m or f btw

**Stranger:** f

**You:** m

**Stranger:** oh

**You:** Did you assume i was a girl too lol

**Stranger:** yea

**You:** how does one tell gender from text messages

**Stranger:** I’m sorry like people Omegle are all horny and i assumed there would be all girls who read books…

**You:** lol thats true

**You:** you gotta find interests that attract normal people lol

**Stranger:** I mean guys do read but i don’t think they would come here on this site to have a normal convo

**You:** thats true a lot of the time

**You:** Mostly I come on here to practice my social skills

**You:** like if somethings awkward you can double click esc and start fresh

**Stranger:** I don’t think normal people comeon here lmao

**Stranger:** nah I’m good lol

**You:** Well I always assume there’s a bot when I start a new convo

**Stranger:** lmao same

**You:** On a completely separate note

**You:** do you speak Spanish and all

**Stranger:** yup but nah

**Stranger:** Confused?

**You:** yes

**You:** lol

**Stranger:** haha i meant i do speak Spanish and sometimes not

**You:** So as an American I am still more confused

**You:** im in AZ so we speak a lot of Spanish but like

**Stranger:** Lmao

**You:** when do you not besides the internet

**You:** lol

**Stranger:** So basically my mom is from Australia so she doesn’t understand if i talk much in Spanish… I talk to her and my baby in English

**Stranger:** It’s not baby\*\*\*\* it’s Nan\*\*

**Stranger:** My auto correct sucks-

**You:** lol

**You:** so you live in Australia?

**Stranger:** rn in Spain imma go to Sydney in a week or so

**You:** woah

**You:** that is the coolest

**Stranger:** How-

**You:** I’ve traveled from AZ to Louisiana and thats it

**You:** to be fair its basically a dif country from there to there but still

**Stranger:** In should have a parents from two different countries lmao

**Stranger:** You\*

**You:** lol it sounds crazy

**Stranger:** you like to travel around??

**You:** Well atm im still a minor so don’t have much of a choice

**Stranger:** So do i

**You:** I think I would enjoy it if I could travel at my own pace

**Stranger:** how old are you?

**You:** 15

**You:** you?

**Stranger:** oh no-

**You:** what

**Stranger:** I’m 17

**Stranger:** I assumed you’re older than e

**Stranger:** Me\*

**You:** what made you assume that

**You:** i mean im complimented ig lol

**Stranger:** idk they way you texted ig

**Stranger:** The\*

**You:** huh

**You:** Age is kinda weird

**Stranger:** you sounded more like an adult than a minor who’s 15 yrs old

**You:** im certainly flattered

**You:** its strange how much age affects a social interaction

**Stranger:** these days it does

**You:** idk its weird like in an in person interaction you have to have a reason to talk to someone who’s outside of your social zone

**You:** but omegle you dont have to

**Stranger:** true

**You:** Also like how its different by culture and all

**You:** i heard you can drink at like 16 in spain that true

**Stranger:** Yup

**Stranger:** i had my first drink with my boyfriend when i was 15 ig

**You:** damn

**Stranger:** the day before my birthday

**Stranger:** Hby you haven’t had your drink yet?

**You:** nah

**You:** don’t really intend to

**You:** its more of a thing here

**You:** like since the age is so high its less casual

**You:** and i got a lot of family that’s alcoholic so not gonna risk it

**Stranger:** ohh that’s good ig

**Stranger:** how about your studies?? What are you up to?

**You:** Well I graduate high school in one more year

**You:** but its difficult cuz i also work like 30hrs per week on top of hs

**Stranger:** you work??

**You:** yeah

**You:** you?

**Stranger:** like a part time job??

**Stranger:** nah my father doesn’t like it

**You:** well its a blurry line on spring break or whatever i can get in like 50 hrs

**You:** oh

**You:** He wants you to focus on school or?

**Stranger:** ouh

**Stranger:** he wants me to focus on whatever i like but I’m more into studies and my boyfriend lmao

**Stranger:** I did ask him that i want to try working but then he was like you have enough so better stay at home

**You:** I gotcha

**You:** well i appreciate the convo i think you’re rly cool but i better hop off

**You:** ill leave you be

**Stranger:** Okie later :))

  1. I think the conversation didn’t go deeper because none of you stayed on a topic which allowed either of you the chance to explore and celebrate each other’s feelings on the matter.

  2. Am I the only one that goes on Omegle to practice my social skills? Just found an interesting example of how the conversation changes based off of how much information you know about each other. In-person conversations are more difficult, I think, because you walk in already saddled with a lot of that information. If a 15-year-old male walks up to a 17-year-old female that he doesn’t know, there’s going to be a lot more questions to answer, namely, ‘*Does he really think he has a chance?*” At the risk of sounding like an incel/neckbeard, I’m venturing to guess that she didn’t really have a boyfriend. Notice her tone change after finding out I’m 15. Just a cool example I found

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